April, 2018 — Is this what you want?
A Letter to My Future Self

Dear Zake,
I’m the 24-year-old version of you from 2018, how have you been?
Since 2015, I decided to take a day every month to reflect on work, life and thoughts, sharing with you.This is the 29th mail I’m sending to you.
April — Is this what you want?

So you quit the startup, went for a short vacation in Philippines, enjoyed your time there, came back to Shenzhen and joined ByteDance and Faceu, started a podcast with your friend Ben, moved to a bigger nicer apartment, hang out with old friends on weekends… Every thing seems to be pretty good, except my work.
Let’s talk about the good things first. ByteDance is one of the hottest unicorn currently in China, and it really provides ByteDancers a great environment to work, grow and live. You have great research team working on new technologies, top salary, free meals and snacks throughout the day, housing subsidies and more…
However, the other side, for me, shuts down all the good. The structure and lack of planning suffocate me. Apparently I cannot go too far on these 2 subjects, but what I do know, is how to be proactive and maximize my own learning/growing curves, since your leaving won’t make any difference to the company at all.
So what I’m doing right now are:
- Take advantage of my “Boredom”
To be honest, on the product management wise, the things I need to do for a week at my last job will be much more than the things I’ve done here in ByteDance for an entire month. Sometimes, I feel that they don’t really need this position.
However, I’m taking advantages of the boredom and doing some research on AR&AI technologies.
But still, it just doesn’t feel right, it’s like back to school and going to library every day working on my own stuff. You might make a lot of progress on yourself, but this is not what I want from work. Cannot think and take action like a product manager, this is a big NO for me.
2. Holding higher standards
Holding higher standards, especially for the tasks I’m told to do. Being in a big company, there’re way more things to acknowledge, accept and learn. Always be prepared, and never regret.
Lastly, I came across the following paragraph, and would love to share with you:
Someone once told me the definition of Hell: The last day you have on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.
After quitting my first job, I took a short trip to Philippines. On the one hand, I’m trying to unplug myself from the intense March, and enjoying some time with friends, on the other, I’m keeping my promise for Mikaela who I met in Hokkaido.
Here’s the travel vlog, there should be another 3-min long short film, but I’m too lazy to start editing yet.
After the trip, my friend Ben and I also started the podcast, NONSENSE UNIVERSITY, mainly talking about the things that we should’ve learnt and understood back in college, but schools fail to teach us. It covers relationships, career, life and all the funny shitty things in between.
It might still be early in China to start a podcast, since the majority are still enjoying text and short videos. Audio/Podcast is another way to document and create, and I also want to challenge myself doing this. I picked up some basic skills of audio recording and post processing voiceover.

Link: http://www.ximalaya.com/113225270/sound/85742666/
On weekend, I also took some friend visiting Shenzhen to Sea World near Shekou, went to the arts exhibition and had a good time together.
What to learn?
- Dating
To be honest, I haven’t got much time to go on dates, but I’ve been following a youtuber in the past month, consistently learning his courses on dating as well as how to initiate or keep a conversation. So far it’s been really effective for online chats, but still needs real world cases to verify.
Why I’m doing this? Again, I don’t think people can get lucky to meet the ideal one, maybe someone do but chances are low. But you can work for it. Every thing needs practice and happens for a reason.
2. Sign up for other courses
One of the podcasts I recommend today, which you can find below, is about learning. Research shows that as long as you are learning something new, something that’s even not related to what you do at all, it helps our brain be more creative and faster processing.
I was checking my annual bucket list the other day, and found I only got one goal checked and one third of 2018 has already gone… May, is the month to start, at least one thing.
Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness.
- Wayne Dyer
What I’m Digesting
1. The knowledge project — Learning how to learn
Learning How to Learn is one of the most popular free courses on Coursera, and Barbara explains explicitly about learning and makes it easy to understand. And she’s invited to Knowledge Project talking more about the subject.
The biggest lesson I learnt from this podcast is that there’re no different “learning types”. How we identify ourselves as visual or auditory learner is actually setting yourself up to failure. We all can learn in different ways.
2. Matthew Walker Ph.D — Author of “Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams”
In my last month’s letter, I think I recommended Matthew’s talk at Google, now he’s on Kevin Rose’s Show, and it’s also worth your time.
Sleep is so important, and even most doctors would ignore the fact of our sleep quality. It’s better to have a good night sleep before our vaccination, and don’t have any alcohol for dinner…
3. Why I sold all of my bitcoin
This article is by far the most rational one about bitcoin and blockchain, and he’s putting out all the reasons/facts that it’s better not to owe any bitcoin. It’s a different perspective and I think every one should know.
4. 11 toxic relationship habits
Your ultimate relationships checklist, worth a quick read.
5. An Actual Thing That Actually Happened
WaitButWhy classic humor and comics.
Hey Zake from 2050, or whatever year you are, I hope you will find this email helpful and bring your some great memories. LIFE IS A DRUG, LOVE IT, LIVE IT.
Much love,
The 24-year-old Zake 😎