To Be A Product Manager | Day 103
This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 103 of
To Be A Product Manager
Today is such a long day. It is filled with 3 meetings and I use the gaps between meetings to plan for the week and also learning some SEO strategy.
As for our weekly meeting, we usually go through the weekly plan page to keep everybody in the team updated and also offer help and suggestions with each other.
But what I want to share today is the VI discussion and signboard of our company. The signboard has been in progress under one of our designers for quite a long time, still he cannot provide an option to satisfy most people. Today the design leader pointed out that
You cannot push yourself to figure out another new idea when you’ve already running out of them.
The best approach is to get your idea on paper, and ask people for a brainstorming. It could be as simple as asking everybody to write down some keywords to help you navigate the direction of the whole design. Because a good design should come from our life.
Then MVP discussion lasts about 2 hour and a half, we try to identify the bug and problems together, trying to export a bug-free steady demo that can be shown some investors before Friday.
What I accomplish
- Weekly product meeting
- MVP discussion
- VI discussion
- SEO learning
What I’m pondering
When we design the website, I didn’t take SEO into consideration at all, because I think that’s something we could work on when we’ve launched our product. This turns out to be not a good guess.
SEO should be taken into consideration at the very beginning, it will affect how you design the code structure. I’m learning the SEO strategy through videos, and trying to improve the results ranking in some search engines.
My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I’m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?
Thanks for reading and let’s keep on hacking!
Warm Regards,
be so good they can’t ignore you.