To Be A Product Manager | Day 79
This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 79 of
To Be A Product Manager
The weekends are good. I had some great food, met new friend, rescheduled my ideal weekends, reviewed and wrote down what I learn in the past week talking to so many girls on Tinder.(yes, it’s a serious experiment)
As I’m doing this social experiment, trying to figure out what are the pain points and real expectations of people on Tinder. A lot of ideas also hit me last night, I’m thinking
What if people can maximize their piecemeal time for dating?
Don’t get me wrong. Tinder does help people meet more people online, but picking a soulmate cannot be just based on one’s look or photo.
You are finding the one that you can spend the rest of your life with, this is nothing like purchasing a new cellphone from Amazon.
You should be serious about it.
What I mean is, why not guiding people to work on their social online profile, like their facebook page, blog, Youtube channel and so on.
I believe that in the future everybody is on Internet, and the best chance you can get is to create a real you online so that you could have more possibility to meet you potential soulmate. He or she may not even in the same continent, but you are just the perfect match.
This is what I was thinking last night…
- Live streaming environment
- Cameras test
- English website test
This morning we had a weekly sync up meeting, the biggest thing of last week is we officially launched our new website.
But there’re so many mistakes we made along the way, which leads to low productivity and product delay. As a product manager who went through the whole process, I’m definitely responsible for improving the workflow.
And the first step, is taking a review.
My name is Zake Zhang, a newbie VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I’m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?
Thanks for reading and let’s keep on hacking!
Warm Regards,
be so good they can’t ignore you.