To Be A Product Manager | Day 85
This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Day 85 of
To Be A Product Manager
I started fully taking ownership for projects since May, which means I’m the one who push the projects move forward and decide what features should be included in each version. And as this month is coming to the end, there are some thoughts I want to share.
Intense & Relaxing
During the product development, there should be very intense sprint goals, but also there should be a relaxing gap between projects and projects. Once you’ve launched the product, you might have a 4–5 days, basically doing nothing, but analyzing the data and user feedback.
You should enjoy this fairly user friendly gap to relax and think about the bigger picture for this business. These jumps make a more productive working strategy.
Be Patient
In the past 2 weeks, I’ve been dealing with different cameras, and learn how to test them and do live stream with them. The process is not that enjoyable since I’m helping engineering team to create a environment, and it’s hard to track the positive feedback, making sure that I’m improving 1% every day.
And the only thing you could do,
Facing the reality, take it easy and be damn patient about the final results.
- Black magic camera set up
- Website copywriting proof reading
- Website design discussion
A Conversation with Mentor
I asked to have a conversation with my mentor this afternoon, and successfully get some answers for my questions:
1. What does a perfect workday look like for you?
2. How to ask people doing things for you, and increase productivity for real?
3. Things every PM should do after they launch the product
For Q1, I probably need to figure out my own version and change it as the time goes by.
For Q2, this is what I’m suffering now. Every person has their own standard and understanding. You cannot force someone to do things in your own way. But you can teach them how to do it.
You can either show them how to write an article works for others, or co-draft a document with them, and help them set up the tone. And always over-communicated with the people you admire.
For Q3, my mentor suggest me to take a step back and think about possibility for each liv stream environment. If you are familiar with the market, people and what they really want from app. The thing should be easy.
My name is Zake Zhang, a newbie VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I’m thinking what if I write daily product journal for 1,000 days?
Thanks for reading and let’s keep on hacking!
Warm Regards,
be so good they can’t ignore you.