To Be A Product Manager | Week 52
This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 52 of
To Be A Product Manager
Hi there! I’m finally back in Shenzhen and started the real Chinese New Year. During my absence in the past 3 weeks, I went to Hokkaido for travelling and film project, and also I have been asking myself:
Am I enjoying being a product manager?
This the 52th work week of my product management journey, so let’s talk about it. When I started to think about my career back in college, I have 4 requirements:
- Goals-driven
- Fulfil my sense of achievements
- Tech related
- Help people
So I started with my education project in college and then joined this startup as a product manager. In the past year, I’ve been really enjoying setting goals and plans, prioritizing, transferring user behaviors and needs into product features and collaborating with other teams…
Although the product itself might not be what I really want to build, the process pretty much nails down top 3 of my requirements. I cannot say our product really help people, or provide them a better experience using them.
With some disappointments of the current team’s 2018 goal and plan, I’m looking for new opportunities. During my trip in Japan, as well as the past week, I’ve been closely interviewed with 3 companies, and this time, I prefer “to C” products, VR may still take some time to get mature, but somehow with hardware improvments, AR camera is pretty hot in 2018.
I will share more information about my experience of interviews and opportunities in my next week journal.
Yes, I made my mind to keep being a product manager, and filmmaking as my hobby.
Things you should know
During my interviews with these companies, your potential and past experience will decide if you are able to have a face-to-face interview, but you are there, what makes you stand out of the crowd is your side projects you’ve been doing for long term with no pays, just pure love.
My product journal here, my Chinese blog, as well as my videos tutorials on VR development and some short films I made, definitely helps me build a well rounded character.
If you are not doing anything outside your work, it’s really easy to get lazy and stay stagnant, you will also lose hope and your DREAMS.
Finding the way to express yourself, document yourself. Starting today, you can also change your life.
My name is Zake Zhang, a VR product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.
Thanks for reading and let’s keep on hacking!
Warm Regards,