To Be A Product Manager | Week 68
This journal helps me improve 1% every day…

Welcome to Week 68 of
To Be A Product Manager
Another typical summer week has past. In Shenzhen, the summer always filled with scorching sun and heavy rain, sometimes both at the same time. But thank god due to this, the temperature won’t go up so high.
This week I guess I can call it a productive week. As a product manager, I managed to finish the roadmap for our gallery app, (if you are an OnePlus user, this app may suck you many ways, but it’s all because we don’t have enough people to think about the long term goal thoroughly), as well as pushing some design forward and testing some camera adjustments.
As most of main stream manufactories are using 3 or 4 cameras on a phone, I’ve been thinking a lot of about how to really make them a good thing to have, not just for look or specs, but for practicality.
In the meantime, there’re also some other job opportunities look tempting. However, I don’t see myself changing for another one now. At OnePlus, although overtime is the norm, I can see how much I will grow and how much sense of achievement I can get in the long run.
For my own time, I try not to stay in office long during the weekdays, which pushes me to work productively during the day, and have more time relaxing and bouncing back at home.
After deleting PUBG mobile on my phone (I’ve been playing with friends heavily during past couple weeks), I also make myself a new moring routine by applying the “if…then…” strategy, for example:
… go to bed before 11:30PM…
If I wake up before 7:00AM, then I go swimming for 2 hours (usually that’s 2Km–2.5Km)
If I wake up late (because I only set the latest time for waking up at 8:00AM), I do 100 push-ups, and 60 squats. And another round at night, so that will be 200 push-ups and 120 squats in total.
If I wake up late and stay at home, I also make myself a breakfast, fried eggs bacon sandwiches and an orange.
I find body are really obsessed with morning workout, if I’m burning a lot of energy in the morning, the whole day moves swiftly and comfortablely.
I’ve also been thinking about preparing for GRE and TOEFL again, who will know I may have apply for some scholarships and go back to school. Be prepared is always the best choice.
Last but not least, I got my visa for Iran this week, planning a trip in Sep. But hesitating a little on buying the tickets, of course one is because their issue with America, but more important, I want to try to get some sponsorship for this trip.
A cross-country “walk+hitchhiking” travel by Zake, with lots of video footages and vlogs, definitely a good medium for promotion and commercials right?
My name is Zake Zhang, a product manager based in Shenzhen, China. I write weekly product journal and reflection.
Thanks for reading and let’s keep on hacking!
Warm Regards,