Zake, We Have a Problem | December, 2018
A Letter to My Future Self

Dear Zake,
I’m the 25-year-old version of you from 2019, how have you been?
Since 2015, I decided to take a day every month to reflect on work, life and thoughts, sharing with you. This is the 37th mail I’m sending to you.
December — Zake, We Have a Problem
As the new year bell is ringing, fireworks are lighting up the night, and people are cherishing for the past 2018, seeding hope and new year resolution for 2019, Zake is cringing himself alone in the basement of his parents, trying so hard to think of a new way to impress other people.
He’s so full of himself and his ego, and somehow lose his mind and the ability telling right from wrong. The blue light from the laptop monitor pretty much light up his face in the dark room, but also makes him look extremely pale and even sociopath.
And then, he published an article without thinking too much the consequences and possibility of hurting other people’s feeling. After the article went on live, Zake got some pressure from his parents, saying it is not appropriate for new year, and it’s unfair for those people I mentioned in the article. But I insisted and decided not to delete the article.
I did not sleep well during that night either. All those people come to me as ghosts and ask me to stop doing that and respect other people’s privacy.
The next morning, I deleted the article. And I got some comments:
too full of yourself, selfish, extreme immature, lack of EQ…
It’s not the first time I got comments like this from the people I care and love. I think it is not just an “immature or selfish” action, I think I have a huge problem.
I owe too many people apologies, even if I only count those people I care and love. But before the formal apologies, I need to get my shit together, find out what had gone wrong in my life and get rid of it.
To be honest, I cannot say 2018 is better than my 2017 or even 2016, despite it may look amazing for other people. What if it is not real, what if I’ve been disguising and faking it the whole year?
On Jan 1st, I took some time going through my posts back in 2016 and 2017. The guy who used to have big dream and specific goals, bold to take any chances and challenge the status quo. The guy is fearless and ready to go out there and shake the world.
Maybe I’m still thinking that way, but in real life I’m compromising. I take a look of the logistics of 2018, ask my questions like
how many books I’ve read and shared?
how many articles, podcasts and videos I’ve published?
how much I’ve evolved and changed?
how much savings I’ve gained comparing to 2017?
None of above looks positive.
And when I started thinking about what brings me joy and positive vibes in 2018. Traveling in Iran and making videos, interviewing and making podcast with my friend, hanging out with people I care and love, and swimming.
Take my morning swimming as an example, I feel amped to kick off the day and do whatever. And the reason is that I throw myself out there and actually move my body, to be able to go faster and get my whole body rolling.
The key point here is starting doing first, and get feedback, it could be good or bad, but you should take it.
And I think I’ve find the reason and also the way to solve this problem.
I’m not pushing myself enough to do things I enjoy, building my foundation and long-term goals.
The unhappiness is just me upset with myself, of not taking leaps and putting into the actual work to make things happen.
I spend way much time browsing Instagram, liking people’s content, or even tindering and watching unrelated boring YouTube videos.
Those unconscious moments can add up, making me feel empty inside and want to have more of that.
What should I do in 2019, I think it is quite clear now.
- On Product Management
I’ve been complaining that I’m not happy for couple months now. But I never try to bring “Excelsior” to work at OnePlus. I’m still staying in the comfort zone and waiting for other people’s change, this is passive and I’m not taking the initiatives aggressively.
There’s always a way to find belonging, make myself a happy worker and win the sense of fulfilment and achievement. And it all starts with taking actions.
2. Video & Content Creation
As for video and content creation, I think I need to find my niche in video industry. I need to figure what kind of audience I’m exactly targeting at; what video production work could be suitable for me, not only for now, but long term goals; and how I can take the skills to the next level.
3. Monthly Reading Plan & New Experience
After June in 2018, I almost stop reading new books. This year, reading is pinned on my calendar and I will restart my morning routine back in Boulder. Read first, and then you are free to eat or jump to the gym.
4. TOEFL and GRE
To get back to school and be a student again, those two exam have to be nailed again. From March to June, this is the time for those 2 exams.
Life & Body
If the work above are what are planning to do in 2019, here’s how I will manage to do them with habits, routine and even rules in this busy working schedule.
First is the body, to achieve all those things, I need to have a stronger body and mind.
- Morning & evening routine
My Boulder schedule is waking up at 5:30AM, read for an hour, and then go out with my roommate Ethan at 6:30AM, for an hour jog in downtown. After we get back, we will take a shower, cook breakfast and get prepared for the new day… All these can be finished before 9AM, and I don’t see why I’m not following this routine in Shenzhen.
However, evenings seem to be hard to keep up, I used to go to bed around 10:30PM and 11PM. Here in Shenzhen, I need to find a way to be efficient with my work and flexible with my routine.
2. Swimming & Gym
I’ve skipped a lot of morning exercise in 2018. 3 times swimming morning and twice in gym are the minimum standard in 2019. And they are replacing the morning jog part in my old routine.
3. Piano
Piano is like a treasure I somehow find out in 2018. I bought one at home, and every morning and every night before going to bed, I will spend 10–15 minutes dancing my fingers on the keyboard. It really calms me down and make me more focused.
Goals here are learning more new songs, and at least play one for myself every morning and night.
4. Be wise on money I spend
When I take a look on my bank account, my savings doesn’t grow that much compared to last year. It means I’ve spent almost every penny I earn in 2018.
I’ve been recommended a book called, The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.
Live like no one else, so you can live (and give) like no one else.
Here’s a Conscious Spending Plan recommended percentages (save and invest more if possible).
50–60% on fixed costs
10% on long-term investments
5–10% on savings goals
20–35% on guilt-free spending
I found this is helpful to start calculating your monthly cost and spending plan, so that you know exactly where your money goes. Again, it’s about taking initiative on everything.
With all that, I can at least start to get my own shit together.
Back to the beginning of this review, it all starts with an article I post on my blog, which hurt the people I care and love, again.
It makes me question myself,
Am I always selfish, immature and hurting people around me?
Am I too full of myself, always taken over by my ego?
People are right about me on this, I think I am. This is one of my flaws that I hate to admit, therefore never change a bit. I am a horrible horrible person, but I don’t want to hurt the people I care and love anymore.
Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday is one of favourite books of all time, and now it’s probably a good time to revisit.
Apology for the people I’ve hurt
After this self review, I understand the shit I have and I’m clear where I will be going next in 2019. The first thing is to apologize for those people I hurt in the article, if possible.
I’m trying to think of a better way to say sorry, but I know it requires a long term healing process.
2. Love selflessly, value privacy
In relationship, I thought I am often right and a warm person. But people don’t know what they are not aware of. I’ve never loved someone besides my parents, so I may not know how to really love and take care a person.
As I mentioned above, the key in 2019 is taking initiatives, you should never hold yourself back like a coward.
Another thing is personal privacy, many people are warning me again and again. For work, there should not be any content of me complaining, it would be more work hacks and mindset I find interesting; for my personal life, I’ve seen so many YouTube couples breaking up because of exposing too much of their life to the public. I don’t have that many views and attention, but it is better to protect myself from now on.
3. Set common goals, have mutual improvement
If, there’s relationship in 2019. I want to set common goals with her and grow together, this is the best way to make a relationship last and an unforgettable experience. Creating and building a healthy relationship itself is an act of loving.
What I’m Digesting
1. Why Playfulness Is the Key to Success in the 21st-Century
2. The Millennial Obsession With Starting Over
3. The Spacing Effect: How to Improve Learning and Maximize Retention
4. S 3 E 10: Connect the Dots Q&A about Stop Stealing Dreams
5. S 3 E 9 Stop Stealing Dreams
Hey Zake from 2050, or whatever year you are, I hope you will find this email helpful and bring your some great memories. LIFE IS A DRUG, LOVE IT, LIVE IT.
Much love,